
500 high-tech park employees begin the largest vaccination campaign in history

500 high-tech park employees begin the largest vaccination campaign in history 8

500 high-tech park employees begin the largest vaccination campaign in history

This is the largest vaccination campaign ever in Ho Chi Minh City, also the largest vaccination campaign in Vietnam’s history.

Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh attended the vaccination campaign launch ceremony and commented that from April 27 until now, Ho Chi Minh City has entered its fourth battle with Covid-19, recording more than 1,000 cases.

The Deputy Prime Minister said: `This is the most complicated and unpredictable battle with rapidly spreading and strong mutations, so the number of infections is high, affecting the health, daily life and social security of the city’s people.`

In this vaccination campaign, Ho Chi Minh City deployed 836,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine.

The Deputy Prime Minister said: `The number of vaccines allocated this time only meets a part of the 2.3 million people who need to be prioritized for vaccination in Ho Chi Minh City, so only workers in industrial parks, export processing zones and

According to him, currently the vaccine supply is scarce, Vietnam is taking advantage of every opportunity to have more vaccines, faster and sooner.

Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health Nguyen Huu Hung said the city deployed 650 injection sites per day, with the goal of speedily implementing it within 7 days.

`Ho Chi Minh City is accelerating the progress of negotiations to buy Covid-19 vaccine, with the goal of having 2/3 of the city’s residents vaccinated by the end of this year. We will organize screening and careful monitoring to ensure safe vaccination.`

The first person was vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccine at the high-tech park in Ho Chi Minh City, on the morning of June 19.

From 7:00 a.m., 500 FPT employees were present at the company, declared their health, and sat in spaced seats in the ground floor lobby.

`I have prepared fever-reducing medicine. Tomorrow is Sunday, I can rest after the injection, so I’m not afraid it will affect my work,` Ms. Hong said.

Mr. Pham Dang Khoa, born in 1985, another FPT employee, said he was informed of the vaccination yesterday afternoon and agreed to register.

`I think the vaccine will vaccinate everyone. I will vaccinate sooner or later, so I don’t worry. I go on business often, so I can feel secure about getting vaccinated. I hope everyone will be vaccinated soon to achieve herd immunity.`

500 high-tech park employees begin the largest vaccination campaign in history

FPT Software employees sit at a distance waiting for their turn to be vaccinated against Covid-19, on the morning of June 19.

On June 17, when receiving the vaccines to the Pasteur Institute warehouse in Ho Chi Minh City, Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Truong Son said the city will organize 1,000 vaccination sites, expected to complete vaccination in 5-7 days.

On June 18, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health assigned the medical force participating in vaccination deployment into 1,032 vaccination teams, mobilizing from 547 hospital units, clinics including private, medical centers, and centers.

Medical units under the Ministry of Health located in Ho Chi Minh City also participate in the campaign, including 10 units, each unit divided into 6 injection teams.

Health workers participating in vaccination activities receive specialized training in vaccination.

500 high-tech park employees begin the largest vaccination campaign in history

Health screening area before vaccination, morning of June 19.

According to Deputy Minister Son, in the past, vaccination in Ho Chi Minh City was often carried out at medical facilities, especially district health centers and ward and commune health stations.

From March 8 until now, the city has deployed three rounds of vaccination for more than one million people, of which about 30,000 people have received two full doses.

The total number of community infections in Ho Chi Minh City from April 27 to the morning of June 19 increased to 1,386 cases, ranking third in the country during this epidemic.

Le Phuong

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