
Revealing the scuffle over the nuclear couple during Mr. Trump’s visit to China

Revealing the scuffle over the nuclear couple during Mr. Trump's visit to China 1

Revealing the scuffle over the nuclear couple during Mr. Trump’s visit to China

Chinese security officials stopped the person holding Mr. Trump’s nuclear briefcase.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, a US Secret Service agent, and the military assistant in charge of holding the `nuclear ball` briefcase were involved in a clash with Chinese security officials during the President’s visit.

The nuclear briefcase always follows the US president.

Axios news website quoted 5 sources familiar with this incident as saying that the incident occurred on November 9, 2017 when the US President and his accompanying group visited the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

According to sources, the noise started when the military assistant holding the nuclear briefcase entered the Great Hall and was stopped by Chinese security officials.

According to White House protocol, the person carrying the `nuclear ball` suitcase – the black suitcase containing the nuclear launch codes for the US president – must always be close to the president at all times.

Revealing the scuffle over the nuclear couple during Mr. Trump's visit to China

US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visited China in November 2017.

After grasping the situation, Mr. Kelly quickly arrived at the `scene`, he ordered the US staff to continue walking, saying: `We will go in` – according to Axios.

What happened next was somewhat noisier, a Chinese security officer even grabbed Mr. Kelly and the White House Chief of Staff pushed his hand away.

Also according to Axios, the altercation happened quickly and US officials said they were asked to keep what happened secret.

According to Japan Times, the White House has not yet commented when asked to respond to the incident.

President Trump’s administration’s handling of the nuclear code suitcase began to come under scrutiny last year after it emerged that a guest at the White House’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida boasted about it.

The incident that happened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing mentioned above is not the first diplomatic clash when an American leader visits China.

In September 2016, then-US President Barack Obama also fell into a situation that could be called an international diplomatic incident when he attended the G-20 summit in Hangzhou, China.

At the airport here, Chinese officials rolled out the red carpet for international leaders attending the conference, but Mr. Obama, who was on his final trip to Asia at that time, was forced to get off the Air Force plane.

This trip also witnessed a shouting match between an assistant to the US president and a Chinese official – who blocked journalists traveling with Mr. Obama from entering some areas.

According to Do Quyen


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