
How does high cholesterol affect the body?

How does high cholesterol affect the body? 2

How does high cholesterol affect the body?

Cholesterol helps the body produce hormones, bile acids and vitamin D. It moves through the blood to all parts of the body.

Cholesterol is found in eggs, dairy products, meat and poultry.

Foods high in Cholesterol include eggs, dairy products, meat and poultry.

Fat content is not a measure of cholesterol content.

Consequences of high cholesterol

Cholesterol is necessary for body development.


Uncontrolled high cholesterol can cause atherosclerosis, which occurs when plaque builds up in the artery walls.

How does high cholesterol affect the body?

Uncontrolled high cholesterol can cause atherosclerosis, due to plaque buildup in the artery walls, thereby leading to many consequences such as blood not being able to circulate to the brain, heart…

Signs and symptoms of atherosclerosis may include chest pain, shortness of breath, numbness or pain in the limbs.

Heart attack

When cholesterol builds up in the artery walls, hindering the flow of oxygen and blood, a person is at risk of having a heart attack.


Angina, characterized by chest tightness and pain, is the result of restricted blood flow to arteries clogged with too much bad cholesterol.


When the arteries to the brain are clogged or narrowed due to high cholesterol levels, blood and oxygen cannot reach the brain.

Peripheral artery disease

High cholesterol can increase your risk of peripheral artery disease.

High Blood Pressure

While good cholesterol does not cause high blood pressure, bad cholesterol does.

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