
When a group of masked students blocked the way to beat the teacher

When a group of masked students blocked the way to beat the teacher 11

When a group of masked students blocked the way to beat the teacher

Lawyer Khanh, currently working in the US, shares with VnExpress readers the view that education through violence only results in violence.

Once upon a time, my father told a story about school violence.

Then one fine day, on a deserted road, the teacher was attacked.

That student recounted the situation to my father and asked for a plan to deal with it.

When I was a child, my class often divided into daily shifts.

The `right` to hit students was almost implicit in the teacher-student relationship, at least in the 90s. It wasn’t until I entered high school that that ruler was no longer present on the teacher’s desk.

But if there is any conflict, the student will bear the brunt.

The teacher-student relationship is not a one-way relationship, but many Vietnamese people often use one-way thinking to distinguish right from wrong.

(See more: What causes school violence?)

So the conflicts in the teacher-student issue are all deduced in the direction that the student is wrong and the teacher is right.

Many other things are not.

The teacher slapped the student repeatedly, causing a stir in the online community

The job of teachers is to teach, they teach knowledge and ethics.

Many people say that violence must be used to make children listen and teach them.

The line between violence to teach and violence to abuse is non-existent: whatever adults can do to children, children can learn too.

I have also encountered many cases of violent criminals in the US being arrested.

Returning to the story of the group of masked students blocking the way to beat the teacher, that is the lesson that both teachers and students learned after a lot of violence: violence only brings violence, not anything good.

>> See more: 11th grade students are frustrated with the way young people learn literature


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When a group of masked students blocked the way to beat the teacher

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