
VnExpress readers argue about the playing style of the French team

VnExpress readers argue about the playing style of the French team 1

VnExpress readers argue about the playing style of the French team

“My condolences to Croatia.

Fans have mixed opinions about France’s World Cup championship.

In the match at Luzhniki Stadium, Croatia started impressively, with a high team, fierce disputes and proactive attacks.

Continuously taking the lead despite not playing better, the French players had a comfortable mentality and gradually penetrated the gaps in Croatia’s advanced team to score two more goals and win 4-2.

With the situation of pretending to fall, resulting in a penalty that led to Griezmann’s opening goal, reader Phatphien sarcastically said: `France’s Griezmann intentionally stepped with his right foot but his left foot refused to step, causing a trick fall that made the team fall.

“I expected France to win, but I couldn’t like their style of play.

VnExpress readers argue about the playing style of the French team

The Croatian player was disappointed by the penalty.

“I support France but I cannot accept the penalty.

Phong Tran commented: “As a neutral fan, I still think the penalty is too heavy.

But there are also mixed opinions, saying that the referee handled it correctly and that France deserves to win the championship.

VnExpress readers argue about the playing style of the French team

France lifted the championship in the rain.

Looking more deeply at the penalty, reader Phong Than wrote: `This is a dangerous situation when the ball is flying straight into the goal.

Yoayau has a more neutral perspective: “This match must be said to be equal in talent but not in equal strength.

Even though there was some inconsistency in the referee’s penalty calls during the match, the fans all had love for Croatia.

Reader Tuong Nguyen also expressed satisfaction: `Very beautiful ending for the 2018 World Cup. All teams in the top 4 have players sharing titles.

VnExpress readers argue about the playing style of the French team

Emotions of French and Croatian fans after the 2018 World Cup final

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