
The epidemic in Bac Ninh, Bac Giang, and Hanoi has been controlled

The epidemic in Bac Ninh, Bac Giang, and Hanoi has been controlled 7

The epidemic in Bac Ninh, Bac Giang, and Hanoi has been controlled

Bac Giang currently records the highest number of Covid-19 cases in the country with 4,137, however the number of new cases tends to decrease clearly.

Mr. Duong Van Thai, Secretary of the Bac Giang Provincial Party Committee, said that the province is entering the phase of `focusing on suppressing the epidemic`, implementing a peak plan to complete the epidemic before June 21, based on science and analysis.

He commented that after more than a month of focusing all efforts on fighting Covid-19, up to now, the sources of infection have been localized and narrowed.

The area of Nui Hieu village, Viet Yen district is the epicenter of the epidemic in the province.

Bac Giang deployed screening tests multiple times to promptly detect F0 cases, and at the same time planned to move a number of workers out of Nui Hieu.

`This achievement is the effort of more than 10,000 community Covid-19 Teams with over 36,000 participants, becoming an important link in epidemic prevention and control work at the grassroots level. People in the province have joined forces.

Currently, hundreds of businesses in industrial parks are eligible to resume operations in the context of `both production and ensuring safety, epidemic prevention and control`.

Taking samples for testing of workers in Quang Chau Industrial Park, Bac Giang.

In Bac Ninh, Mr. Hoang Minh Duc, Deputy Director of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health, said that the plan to reduce the level of social distancing and lift quarantine zones was developed by experts, on the principle of meeting the needs of people.

Notably, Tu Son town has recorded a number of new infections in recent days.

Mr. Le Xuan Loi, Secretary of Tu Son Town Party Committee, said that in the coming time, the government will continue to focus highly, put all resources into speedy tracing of cases related to infections.

In Hanoi, the current concern is the chain of infections among small businesses in Dong Anh district, with the first case discovered on June 7 at New Shop market.

Mr. Khong Minh Tuan, Deputy Director of the Hanoi Center for Disease Control, commented that currently this cluster of cases is basically under control, the contact cases have been localized and samples taken for testing.

Mr. Tuan commented that it is likely that the virus has existed in this area for a relatively long time, so CDC Hanoi will continue to localize and trace on a larger scale.

Besides this outbreak, from April 24 until now, Hanoi has recorded 246 positive cases of nCoV related to 12 different clusters of cases, all of which have been controlled.

The total number of community infections from April 27 to present is 7,524, recorded in 40 provinces and cities.

Thuy Quynh

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