
The Ministry of Education adjusts the high school education program

The Ministry of Education adjusts the high school education program 3

The Ministry of Education adjusts the high school education program

On August 3, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Circular 13 amending and supplementing a number of contents in the 2018 general education program, including adjustments related to the overall program and the subject History.

Compared to the new general education program issued in 2018 and implemented at the high school level starting from the 2022-2023 school year, History becomes a mandatory subject instead of an optional subject in the Social Sciences group.

The number of subjects selected from 10 to nine includes Geography, Economic and Legal Education, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Technology, Informatics, Music, and Fine Arts.

Number of classes per year at high school level before and after History becomes a mandatory subject.

High school History subject will have 52 periods per year for grades 10, 11, 12 (adjusted from 70 periods per year when it was still considered an optional subject).

The Ministry of Education and Training said that adjusting the History subject will not change the promulgated program structure.

The mandatory History section will also ensure feasibility, suitability, and affordability for all students.

Also according to the Ministry of Education and Training, adjusting the program ensures the use of compiled 10th grade textbooks.

The new general education program (issued in 2018) is divided into two stages including basic education (grades 1 to 9) and career-oriented education (grades 10 to 12).

However, the resolution of the 3rd session of the 15th National Assembly requested to study the opinions of voters, people and National Assembly deputies in designing the History subject in the high school education program in a way that includes

Duong Tam

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