
Three priorities when social distancing in 19 southern provinces and cities

Three priorities when social distancing in 19 southern provinces and cities 5

Three priorities when social distancing in 19 southern provinces and cities

On the afternoon of July 17, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam met with a number of ministries and branches to prepare for implementing social distancing according to Directive 16 in 19 southern provinces and cities.

In addition to prioritizing the protection of people’s lives and health, the Deputy Prime Minister noted that the second priority is to ensure that the health system operates effectively and is not overloaded, because it not only treats people infected with Covid-19 but also

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, in previous epidemics, Vietnam has achieved achievements;

`The new situation requires us to have new steps, new solutions, and new appropriate ways of doing things,` said the Deputy Prime Minister.

Therefore, the Government had to make the difficult but necessary decision to socially distance the 19 southern provinces and cities.

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam.

Mr. Dam also stated that if not controlled well, the epidemic spreads on a large scale, the health system will be overloaded, many people will become seriously ill, many will die, and it can threaten the stability and development of the country.

Therefore, the Government wants people to understand, share and participate.

`If all Vietnamese people unite and are determined, we will definitely repel this epidemic, so that the country can soon return to a new normal life,` the Deputy Prime Minister expressed.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister of Health Tran Van Thuan said he had sent many special working teams to support Ho Chi Minh City and the southern provinces.

The Ministry of Health will ensure human resources, equipment, and biological products for tracing, testing, care, and treatment.

Deputy Minister of Transport Le Anh Tuan said that the Ministry has organized traffic and route separation, applied information technology, and used QR codes consistently with localities to ensure goods transport vehicles circulate in the area.

The Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Health will coordinate to consider adjusting the validity period of test certificates for drivers to suit the situation, instead of three days as currently.

On July 17, based on the request of the Minister of Health and the unanimous opinion of the Government Standing Committee, the Prime Minister decided to apply social distancing measures throughout the province and city according to Directive 16,

The time to start applying social distancing measures for the above additional provinces and cities will be decided by the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, but no later than 0:00 on July 19.

Write Tuan

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