
The brothers turned against each other when they sold their inherited land

The brothers turned against each other when they sold their inherited land 11

The brothers turned against each other when they sold their inherited land

I belong to the first 9x generation, born in the Central region.

I was studying at university far away from home, and occasionally I received a phone call saying my father was beating my mother or my brother was fighting.

The family has many children and grandchildren, but the siblings are not well off.

>> Husband and wife divide their assets at the end of their lives

With the money from selling that land, I bought another small piece.

I run a business but still take care of the whole family.

Now things have gone too far.

Business is stressful and tiring, but my life makes me feel even more redundant.

I used to want to leave home and go live somewhere else because here everything is miserable.

Today is the last day of the calendar year, I am wandering alone.

>> Opinions do not necessarily coincide with VnExpress.net’s views.

Accumulate assets for your children or let them fend for themselves?

I don’t make money for my children to inherit

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