
Inside the ‘autonomous zone’ in the heart of America

Inside the 'autonomous zone' in the heart of America 2

Inside the ‘autonomous zone’ in the heart of America

Previously, the conflict between protesters over the death of George Floyd and police in Seattle, Washington state, USA, fell into a deadlock for a week.

`This space is now the property of the people of Seattle,` reads a sign at the entrance to the police station.

A gathering on June 10 in the Capitol Hill residential area, Seattle, USA, where protesters established an `autonomous zone`.

Hundreds of people inside the neighborhood often gather to listen to speeches, poetry and music.

Smoking areas and medical stations are also set up inside the `autonomous zone`.

For US President Donald Trump, this seems to be a dangerous scenario.

`Let’s take back the city now. If no one does it, I will do it. This is not a game,` Trump sent a message to Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and Washington Governor Jay Inslee on June 10 and

In response, Ms. Durkan wrote on Twitter: `Let us all be safe. Go back to your underground bunker,` seemingly referring to the fact that the US President once went down to the underground bunker in the White House amid protesters.

In a video posted on June 11, Seattle police chief Carmen Best said she was not the one who made the decision to leave the station, and expressed anger at the current developments.

The female police officer later admitted that there was no official report on the incident and that this was just a rumor spread on social networks.

Inside the 'autonomous zone' in the heart of America

Barricades in the Capitol Hill residential area, Seattle, USA.

Meanwhile, the operation of the `autonomous zone` is increasingly strengthened thanks to the city’s tacit support.

`I don’t know where we’re going. Right now, we’re still working step by step on how to build relationships, trust in the little things, so we can solve problems together,` Scoggins said.

Protesters are also trying to find direction, as groups offer different priorities.

The death of George Floyd, a black man who was knelt on the neck by a police officer, has focused the momentum of protests on ending police violence and racial inequality.

`The more we push to solve the racial problem, the more we will lose focus on the fact that this is a class struggle,` said a 28-year-old protester named Fredrix.

Kshama Sawant, a member of the Seattle City Council, on the evening of June 9 led a group of protesters to City Hall, holding a gathering inside the building to promote a plan to tax Amazon, the corporation where the company is located.

But some in the race and policing crowd are starting to worry that broader priorities could overshadow the main goal, amid important progress for Americans.

`We should just focus on one thing first. The other things can be dealt with later, because frankly, black men are dying. This is the issue we should focus on,` Moe

Inside the 'autonomous zone' in the heart of America

Volunteers pack supplies for homeless people in the neighborhood.

City authorities have prepared for the possibility that the protests could last longer.

Internally, protesters differ in their thoughts about how long the `autonomous zone` will last.

John Moore, who is assisting at Capitol Hill’s temporary medical center, hopes the `autonomous zone` will be legally recognized.

`We are trying to prove through action that we don’t need police and can still meet the needs of the community,` the 23-year-old said.

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