
Chinese billionaire’s daughter is worried about being ‘unmarried’

Chinese billionaire's daughter is worried about being 'unmarried' 0

Chinese billionaire’s daughter is worried about being ‘unmarried’

Tong Phuc Loi and his father, billionaire Tong Khanh Hau.

Tong Phuc Loi, 30 years old, is the beloved child of Chinese beverage tycoon Tong Khanh Hau, China’s richest billionaire.

`I feel pessimistic about love. Girls like me often have a hard time finding a boyfriend. Everyone knows that,` she said.

`My request is very simple. My boyfriend just needs to be someone who sends me messages every day with simple questions like have I eaten, when will I go to bed. Just a simple love and

After Tong’s honest sharing, the article commented that `it is not easy for her to know whether those men really care about her or just care about her fortune. Hoa.`

Tong’s revelation immediately became a `hot` topic on Chinese social networks.

`Please marry me. Does anyone have her contact information?,` one person wrote.

`This is truly a good opportunity for poor guys like me. I still have enough money to send her a message,` another guy half-joked.

There were also many people who enthusiastically gave advice to Mr. Tong and his daughter.

`Let’s get a new ID card and find a low-paying job,` another person suggested.

A third person was more adamant: `Forget about men. They are just after your money.`

Tong Khanh Hau, chairman of Wahaha Group, was the richest person in China in 2012, according to Hurun magazine’s rankings, with total personal assets of up to 10 billion USD.

His daughter, Miss Tong Phuc Loi, graduated with a major in business from Pepperdine University, California, USA.

Her first job in the group was as an assistant to the director at a production facility in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang province.

Although she is ranked as one of the top 50 businesswomen in the Asia-Pacific region by Forbes magazine, Tong still likes to be called simply Kelly by her colleagues.

According to Chinese tradition, sons are the heirs to wealth, but some of the mainland’s richest tycoons still decide to leave their assets to their daughters.

Liu Yonghao, chairman of New Hope Group in Chengdu city, also named his daughter as heir, because his son is still relatively young.

Yang Huiyan, daughter of the co-founder of Country Garden Group, also participated in her father’s meetings since she was 13 years old.

Mr. Ngoc

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