
The US is concerned about Russian and Chinese hypersonic weapons

The US is concerned about Russian and Chinese hypersonic weapons 1

The US is concerned about Russian and Chinese hypersonic weapons

`The military application of hypersonic technology is something we are concerned about and refrain from pursuing. However, Russia and China are actively militarizing this technology, we must act accordingly. The US has not yet

Ballistic missiles carrying Avangard hypersonic warheads are inserted into the launch well.

The US envoy is participating in a conference on disarmament organized by the United Nations in the Swiss capital Geneva, expressing hope that new technologies can be addressed or controlled through principles or mechanisms.

`Russia has an Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle mounted on a heavy intercontinental ballistic missile. We already know about it. This weapon is included in the terms of the New Strategic Strike Arms Reduction Treaty (New START).

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Washington is closely monitoring Beijing’s modern weapons development programs, believing that these weapons will increase regional tensions and affirmed that the US will focus on

Russian and Chinese officials have not commented on the statements of the two US officials.

The statements came two days after the Financial Times quoted five unnamed US officials as saying that China launched a Long March 2C rocket into space in August, carrying a hypersonic glide vehicle that could

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian denied the information, saying it was a normal spacecraft test to test space vehicle reuse technology.

The US is concerned about Russian and Chinese hypersonic weapons

What is a hypersonic weapon?

The power to penetrate all shields of hypersonic weapons.

Hypersonic missiles are weapons with a minimum speed of 5 times that of sound (Mach 5), equivalent to more than 6,200 km/h.

High speed, maneuverability and low flight path in the atmosphere make hypersonic weapons very difficult to track and intercept compared to traditional ballistic missiles, posing a great challenge to all modern air defense networks.

Russia, the US, China and at least five other countries are researching this technology, of which Moscow and Beijing have commissioned a number of hypersonic missiles or missiles carrying gliding warheads to deal with Washington.

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