Donnie Yen and his wife are passionate after 15 years of marriage

Donnie Yen and his wife are passionate after 15 years of marriage 0

Donnie Yen and his wife are passionate after 15 years of marriage

Donnie Yen recently traveled with his wife – Wang Thi Thi – to Kenya.

After the trip with his wife, the actor acted in Disney’s Mulan.

Donnie Yen recently traveled with his wife – Wang Thi Thi – to Kenya.

After the trip with his wife, the actor acted in Disney’s Mulan.

Donnie Yen and his wife are passionate after 15 years of marriage

The couple shared on their personal pages images of wild nature in Africa.

The couple shared on their personal pages images of wild nature in Africa.

Donnie Yen and his wife are passionate after 15 years of marriage

Donnie Yen and his wife live in Vietnam

Donnie Yen and his wife traveled to Vietnam.

Donnie Yen and his wife are passionate after 15 years of marriage

Uong Thi Thi through her husband’s lens.

Uong Thi Thi through her husband’s lens.

Donnie Yen and his wife are passionate after 15 years of marriage

The couple celebrated 15 years of marriage in August. The actor confided on his personal page that when he was in the film crew, he took leave to go home to celebrate `a very important holiday with his wife`.

The couple celebrated 15 years of marriage in August. The actor confided on his personal page that when he was in the film crew, he took leave to go home to celebrate `a very important holiday with his wife`.

Donnie Yen and his wife are passionate after 15 years of marriage

Over the years, despite a lot of work, the two always tried to be together on holidays, birthdays, and love anniversaries.

Over the years, despite a lot of work, the two always tried to be together on holidays, birthdays, and love anniversaries.

Donnie Yen and his wife are passionate after 15 years of marriage

On Uong Thi Thi’s 37th birthday in April, Donnie Yen worked in England.

On Uong Thi Thi’s 37th birthday in April, Donnie Yen worked in England.

Donnie Yen and his wife are passionate after 15 years of marriage

Uong Thi Thi said that many people reminded Ms. Donnie Yen that she often worked far from home and was easily tempted, advising her to `manage her husband`.

Uong Thi Thi said that many people reminded Ms. Donnie Yen that she often worked far from home and was easily tempted, advising her to `manage her husband`.

Donnie Yen and his wife are passionate after 15 years of marriage

Models often pair up with their husbands at movie premieres, entertainment events… In real life, action stars like to surprise their wives.

Models often pair up with their husbands at movie premieres, entertainment events… In real life, action stars like to surprise their wives.

Donnie Yen and his wife are passionate after 15 years of marriage

Uong Thi Thi with her two children.

Uong Thi Thi with her two children.

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