
Two weeks of Hubei female doctor fighting corona virus

Two weeks of Hubei female doctor fighting corona virus 1

Two weeks of Hubei female doctor fighting corona virus

Feng, 53 years old, works in Xiaogan, a city in Hubei province, 60 km from Wuhan.

Feng Chuncui with two patients infected with nCoV in Xiaogan, Hubei.

Before Lunar New Year, Feng heard that a colleague was infected with nCoV.

She worked all day on January 23 (Tet 29) and the morning of January 24 and then drove home.

On January 25, Feng felt a bit dizzy and began to have a stuffy nose – symptoms very similar to a cold.

The next day, Feng felt worse.

After a good night’s sleep, Feng felt better the next morning.

`Around 8:00 p.m., I was informed that I was infected with nCoV. I remained calm and quietly packed my things in the office. I was admitted to the hospital at about 11:00 p.m.,` Feng said.

At first, Feng felt more happy than sad because she kept her distance from her relatives to prevent them from getting infected.

`I’m really worried because this virus is very contagious and can lead to death. My parents are over 80 years old and need my care. What if they fall sick and I’m stuck here?`, Feng

Doctors use several antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as moxifloxacin and Avigan.

On February 5, she took another throat swab test and received negative results.

`When driving back home, I realized the world had completely changed. Xiaogan City was locked down, with only police and security officers on the road, checking people passing by,` Feng said.

`But this is a new beginning in my life, who survived the epidemic,` she said.

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