Why was Beethoven deaf?

Why was Beethoven deaf? 1

Why was Beethoven deaf?

Nearly 200 years after his death, as Britannica writes, Ludwig van Beethoven is still considered by many to be the world’s greatest composer.

Beethoven was born in Bonn, Holy Roman Empire to a Flemish-born father, Johann van Beethoven (1740-1782), and a mother, Magdalena Keverich van Beethoven (1745-1787).

According to historical records, Beethoven perfected his piano skills with Haydn and established himself as a master musician.

Classic FM says that he did not reveal his secret to anyone until writing to a childhood friend in 1800. In the letter, he said: `For two years I have avoided almost

Why was Beethoven deaf?

During his life, Ludwig van Beethoven endured painful physical torture.

In fact, today we find many reports regarding Beethoven starting to lose his hearing, but his specific age at that time varies greatly.

Some believe it is the result of typhus, syphilis, lupus, or even Paget’s disease, a chronic bone disorder.

According to Interlude, Beethoven’s left ear was the first to be affected by hearing loss.

The California Symphony points out that the themes of his works changed as they reflected his life without sound.

PBS writes that throughout his life, Beethove suffered from a number of health problems.

Why was Beethoven deaf?

When he died, his locks were cut by a musician named Ferdinand Hiller.

It is unknown exactly how he came to possess that lock of hair.

In 2000, The Advanced Photon Source reported that hair contained very high levels of lead.

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