
Ukraine improved `air killer` to destroy Russian tanks

Ukraine improved `air killer` to destroy Russian tanks 0

Ukraine improved `air killer` to destroy Russian tanks

(Dan Tri) – Ukrainian forces have converted commercial drones into weapons that can carry explosives to destroy Russian tanks.

A Ukrainian marine participates in a training session on using drones in Dnipropetrovsk (Photo: Reuters).

`Our group has done it many times. We have destroyed tanks, heavy military equipment, enemy soldiers. It is a very effective device,` said the soldier using the code name

Kakrurt, a former programmer who now serves in the Ukrainian army, said a four-rotor commercial drone sold for $300 could be modified to be used as a device to carry explosives.

Kakrurt is fighting for Ukraine’s 35th Marine Brigade, a unit that specializes in modifying commercially available drones and using them to attack Russian forces controlling eastern and southern regions.

The brigade shared two videos with Reuters showing its drones flying into what is believed to be Russian trenches before exploding.

Drones have been widely used by both Moscow and Kiev forces since Russia launched its military campaign in Ukraine last February.

Ukraine says it is expanding its drone program for the purpose of reconnaissance and attacking enemy targets to narrow the gap between the military capabilities of Kiev and Moscow.

Kakrurt admitted that Ukraine has invested heavily in drone technology.

`It is better to effectively use technical resources instead of people. That is why the Ukrainian armed forces are developing very rapidly in this direction,` said the Ukrainian soldier.

Soldiers of the 35th Marine Brigade demonstrated small commercial drones as they were controlled by soldiers using handheld devices.

Reshik, another soldier with Ukrainian forces, predicts Kiev will use drones extensively as it begins its counteroffensive in the coming weeks.

`Suicide drones will play a big role in the counterattack as they are used to attack trenches where the enemy is hiding and destroy them,` Reshik said.

According to Kakrurt, Ukrainian drones are not easily affected by Russia’s jamming system, which uses satellite technology.

Ukraine’s drones made a very important contribution to stopping the Russian army’s advance in the early stages of the conflict, especially when Russia’s ability to strike quickly and win quickly depends greatly on its coordination.

In addition to directing Ukrainian artillery and anti-tank weapons to fire on Russian military gathering positions, Ukrainian drones have repeatedly carried out attack missions and directly destroyed many people.

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