Maybe you don’t know: Not only a powerful empire, the Romans were also known as… a perverted nation

Maybe you don’t know: Not only a powerful empire, the Romans were also known as… a perverted nation

Before I receive a series of negative responses from readers who are fans of ancient Rome, I would like to take the liberty of explaining a bit.

After a period of debate, they concluded that: `In addition to sanitation systems, medicine, education, wine, social order, agriculture, roads, clean water systems and health care, people

Many achievements in civil engineering from Roman times are still applied in modern life.

They are very creative people, they can’t take anything they can’t create yet.

Although the Romans have such good qualities, you cannot deny that they are… perverts.

Maybe you don't know: Not only a powerful empire, the Romans were also known as... a perverted nation

According to Professor Jehne, the `karma` of the ancient Romans was truly horrifying and cruel.

Roman politics was also very cruel.

Not only that, the Romans were also perverted… even in the weapons they used, which were `fire pigs`.

At some point in the first millennium BC, ancient people discovered that elephants were afraid of small animals with high-pitched screams, especially pigs.

Maybe you don't know: Not only a powerful empire, the Romans were also known as... a perverted nation

But around the 13th century BC, some perverted Roman soldiers went one step further: dousing the pig with oil and burning it alive.

Perhaps, fire pigs are not a popular strategy historically, perhaps because it’s a bit… too expensive?

Above are examples of the `perverted` comments of writer John O’Bryan in the book A History of Weapons.

Maybe you don't know: Not only a powerful empire, the Romans were also known as... a perverted nation

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